Wednesday, April 20, 2011

An Actual Quote from my friend Ann:

"My doctor was sick on Monday and asked me what he should do."

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Doughnut Vault.

I am determined to get a doughnut.

Friday, April 8, 2011


These are Shamrock's inner thoughts.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Watch a baby Eagle being born.

Well mostly you will watch the babies while the mother Eagle sits on top of them.

Its riveting. I promise.

Friday, April 1, 2011

I fell for it.

Someone in my office sent out a mass email that said "A vendor canceled a meeting at the last minute so there are 12 boxes of pizza up for the taking! Come and get some! 18th Floor."

Well, I, never one to turn down free food, make the journey from the 6th floor up to the 18th. I knew something was up when the elevator wouldn't even let me push the "18" button. A light that said "restricted floor" kept popping up. I turned to the gentleman in the elevator with me and said (and I quote), "Is this button broken? What is going on?"
Gentleman: "I believe that floor is still under construction."
Me: "Well I am clearly confused on where I am going."

So I take the elevator up to the 21st floor and walk down the stairs to 18. I don't give up easily. I get to 18 only to find a big ole lock in my face. "How odd", I thought, "Must have been the 17th floor."

The 17th floor is deserted. I have to climb over desks to get back to the elevators. No pizza on 17.

I take the long ride back to my desk without pizza. I look at the email again and realize that its a fake email address and phone number and I 100% fell for it. Foolish me, who is now desperately craving pizza.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Haha, I googled "Blah" (because that is how I am feeling about this dumb day) and this picture came up. AND I find that hilarious. I feel better already. Thanks random picture of short, fat, blobby man.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

One Year Ago...

She looked like this....

Monday, March 28, 2011

I'm not even married and this made me laugh...

"It’s not that men don’t want to get married — we just aren’t prepared for it. Girls think about it their entire lives. When I was a little boy, I never got together with my friends and said, “Let’s play married. Let’s pretend I just came home from the store and bought all the wrong stuff, and you yell at me.”

Day 20

I have not bought any clothes, shoes, bags or make up.

I'm going a little nuts, but at least I finally wore and took those tags off that shirt I bought in NOVEMBER.

I have a problem.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My week so far...

On Monday night Charlie and I witnessed one of those rare moments in sports. A moment when everyone gets together and just knows they are seeing something special. That's right folks, it was Benny the Bull's birthday, and we were there. 20 years from now when someone asks me where I was during during this blessed event I can proudly say..."I was there man".

I have also discovered my new favorite snack. Here it is in all its glory. Although my personal favorite is the one where they let you pour strawberry jam into the yogurt. High five to all the fine people at Fage. You made a believer out of me.

Friday, March 18, 2011


Morehead State University.

My friend Karen amazed us all yesterday when she went for the long shot and actually picked Morehead State University over Louisville. My guess is that she just went "eeny meeny miney mo" when she picked them but never the less she blew us all out of the water by coming in first in our bracket pool yesterday.

I love how I turn into the biggest basketball fan this time of year. I don't even watch basketball if its not during the NCAA tournament. Okay, yes, maybe a Bulls game here or there but that's only because Derrick Rose is too big, too fast, too strong, too good.

Becky is leading the pool as of right now. Me? I am in 2nd. Its on Becky...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011


At work on Thursday evening, I discovered a mouse in the stock room. He ran out from under the garbage to underneath a table.

On Saturday morning I found that same mouse dead. He had been poisoned.

I blame myself.

Mighty mouse not so mighty when poisoned. Boo.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Is this Ice Cream Cone....covered...

Mind. Blown.

Capital T-Timon.

He's a badass.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I like this quote...

Not to get all inspirational. But dag nab it, this quote in inspiring. Be inspired.

God Bless Gchat.

I cannot say enough good things about "the chat". It consumes about 60% of my day. It provides an outlet for me to share my latest online shopping finds, random sites and the opportunity to vent about whoever may be driving me nuts at the moment.

Two of my all time favorite gchat partners are my friends Maggie and Ann. Maggie sent me a disturbing picture of an actual bride and groom today. Horrified, I naturally passed along the gem of a photo to Ann, who responded on the chat like this:

Ann: omg I'm embarrassed
this is grotesque
are they at an art museum?!

Ann: hands down
they look like stills from the beginning of a porno
a bad porno
sad, sad wedding day for all.

Ann: where are this girls bridesmaids?
if a photographer so much as insinuates I'm supposed to lie down on an art museum bench, you better step in. its expected of you. as bridesmaid. because in order for me to even have considered something like this i would be under heavy influence of drugs which means i need saving
let alone have my new husband lie on top of me. OMG I'm getting all worked up.

Ann: who is this photographer?
this is the kinda guy who moonlights in porn
this girl just seems too into it too
I don't understand people
ill be back i need to go outside

Ladies and Gentlemen, Ann Meilinger.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lets just jump right in.

I'm dressed like a soccer mom today. I didn't do it on purpose. I don't mean to give off the impression of looking like I drive a mini van, but today my subconscious took over and said, "When did you have six kids?"

I can't believe I had this thing floating around the internet for over A YEAR and I haven't posted anything. I shall make up for that by posting a zillion posts today. This is so much better than doing actual work.

Today begins my vow to not shop for clothing/shoes/purses for 40 days and 40 nights. You may think this is not a big deal. You may think to yourself, "lots of people do this". If you've seen my bedroom you are probably saying, "Thank the Holy Lord, she has way too much crap."

I may or may not have forgotten all about this.

I have a Blog!!!! I 100% forgot about this!!! I really need to learn to finish things I start. Soooo, I'M BACK. Watch out internet.